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Friday, December 11, 2009

music and copyrights

okay so I'm in class right now, working on my eBusiness course, and this assignment I've been assigned to write is quite interesting. I have to write a newspaper article about the future of music and books in the digital age.

I firmly believe that the internet is the greatest marketing tool there is.

I personally make music for me. Not for my friends, not for my family. I make it because I love to make it. sometimes I will go and write me a song about a pretty girl or about how much I love my mom (same difference :P) and I will make a beat, sing to it record it bla bla bla.

I do it because I love doing it. It is my passion and it is my favorite way of expressing how I feel.

I feel like these big cheese ass record label execs are the biggest hustlers because realistically when you think about it, these artists who are signed to these major labels (such as sony, emi, universal, interscope w.e) aren't making a red cent out of their albums being sold in stores (depending on the contract that was signed).

I believe that people should stop being fucking stinges and just make music for the love. and if people wanna rob your beats and rap your lyrics than good for them... it just means that theyre too unfuckingfortunate to make their own shit.

i saw jay-zs concert and i was totally disappointed.

it was not entertaining at all... i couldve been piss drunk and stoned out of my ass and i still would have been bored. like come on.

if you live to rap or live to play your music, than you KNOW that its the delivery and the show that counts... jigga couldnt even flip it nicely.. he was fucking boring.


bell just rang.
ok well some other time.


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